Gangs are organizations that set agendas for their members or their own agendas regardless there are motives a chat community is just like a Google chatroom hangout ,zoom, or Skype.
In order for the dollars to become a real gang there would need to be some sort of grand initiation IRL hat made it a physical and thriving entity based on its followers kinda like how certain V tuber Channels have subscribers and fees to go along with the program i would say that is closer to the concept of a gang online.
Still I would love to get a few people who knew coding and UX design other than just myself to create a realistic VPN restricted invite only forum thread and decide what its benefits and consequences would be.
Im Interested in what people think.
I wish the dollars was real but in this day it wouldn't be confusing to most so its quite natural for people to hate what they don't understand.
I hope for a world where we are able to solve the deepest darkest problems together even while across seas or language barrier.
Universal translation and conversing with others from different cultures and regions than my own have changed my life and broadened my perspective more than I thought possible and I doubt I'm alone.
Now the issue is where to start how to start or prioritize the functions to trustable and respectful kind people.
People that want to change the world not be idolized or popular.
I prefer to be silent and observe but if action is necessary hesitation only worsens most situations.
Any Brave and intelligent people that want to chat about anything.
Can you???
See me,
Do you hear me,
I am here.
Where were you.